Virtual Coffee launching the post-UNWC era, a humanitarian WASH perspective
VC #7 on the "what now?" after the un water conferenceDate: Wednesday, June 7th 2023, from 16:00 to 17:30 CET
Objective: Discussing, two months after the UN Water Conference in New York, we gather actors to share their impressions and feedback of this historic event, and to identify the next steps to continue this discussion without leaving anyone behind. |
Agenda: From 00:00 to 5:00: Introduction by Claudio Deola (Save the Children and WASH RoadMap co-chair From 5:00 to 26:00: Session 1 on feedbacks from the UNWC / Henk Ovink (Netherlands) and Willard JP Mitts (Malawi Youth Parliament for Water) From 26:00 to 33:10: Q&A 1 From 33:10 to 39:50: Session 2 on the presentation of funding and capacity gaps through a report published on the last day of the UNWC / Malo Rivoallan (Action Against Hunger) / Call To Action points 1 and 2 From 39:50 to 59:20: Session 3 on the resilience and protection of humanitarian infrastructures / Guillaume Pierrehumbert (ICRC) / Call To Action point 3 From 59:20 to end: Session 4 on Governing the Water Sector / Lesha Witmer (Women for Water Partnership), Ziadath Achimi (Women for Water, Climate and Environment) and Marc-André Bünzli (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) |