initiative 4: WASH Research and innovation
research integration into humanitarian WASH programming
Humanitarian WASH interventions must provide access to safely managed services and implement responses to epidemics with dignity, well-being, and safety. However, in a context of increasing and complexification of crises, there is also a need to deliver evidence-based strategies and to require to provide high quality and accountable interventions to affected populations. Responding to these crises demands strong evidence on what works to guide more effective and efficient investment and to achieve better health and social outcomes.
However, recent systematic reviews have highlighted a paucity of rigorous evidence to guide WASH interventions in humanitarian crises. In June 2017, ELRHA’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) program convened a meeting of representatives from international response agencies, research institutions and donor organisations that are active in the field of humanitarian WASH, to identify research priorities. Although the evidence base for WASH interventions is ever increasing, there are research and innovation gaps that still need to be identified and supported. The aim of the initiative isthus to create an environment that facilitates the production of high-quality research and rigorously tested innovations among agencies and academic institutions to improve WASH interventions in humanitarian programming.
However, recent systematic reviews have highlighted a paucity of rigorous evidence to guide WASH interventions in humanitarian crises. In June 2017, ELRHA’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) program convened a meeting of representatives from international response agencies, research institutions and donor organisations that are active in the field of humanitarian WASH, to identify research priorities. Although the evidence base for WASH interventions is ever increasing, there are research and innovation gaps that still need to be identified and supported. The aim of the initiative isthus to create an environment that facilitates the production of high-quality research and rigorously tested innovations among agencies and academic institutions to improve WASH interventions in humanitarian programming.
Wishing to address the question “What will assist the WASH sector in delivering evidence-based programs globally?’’, five objectives have been launched as part of this initiative:
Provisional total budget:
141 000 USD
Synergies with:
Initiatives 1.1 and 1.2
Internal events:
Virtual Coffee in December 2022
Provisional total budget:
141 000 USD
Synergies with:
Initiatives 1.1 and 1.2
Internal events:
Virtual Coffee in December 2022
Action Against Hunger, US Agency for International Development, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, IHE Delft, OXFAM, Polish Action Humanitarian and Save The Children, Global WASH Cluster, International Committee of the Red Crpss, International Medical Corps, Reach, Solidarités International , UN International Children Emergency Fund